There are stories to read, explanations to understand, pictures to think about, ancient writings to decode, pictures of artefacts and temples ... even a giant sunstone.
Around 700 years ago ........ the Aztec peoples for some reason or other left their homes in Atzlan ... somewhere in North West Mexico.
They came to the Valley of Mexico named Anahuac, led by their chieftain Tenoch. They were a poor, ragged people who ate rats, snakes, and stole food.
They were just too wild and nasty. So they were driven from one place to another.
Then Tenoch had a vision ... Huitzilopochtli told him to lead his people to a swampy island in the middle of Lake Texcoco. He was told to look for an eagle perched on a cactus, growing from a rock or cave surrounded by water. They were to build their city there and thank Huitzilopochtli for his brilliant idea with human sacrifices. The city they built was called Tenochtitlán, the city of Tenoch in around 1325. The Early Aztecs